Freshwater Blog

Content Creation for Business: 5 Tips and Tricks

by | Dec 22, 2020

While the phrase, “Content is king”, might be dated, the concept behind it isn’t.

Websites with a blog have 434% more indexed pages than those without one. Visitors to your website want more than just your products and services — they want information.

All too often, business owners overlook the importance of creating compelling content. Not only does it benefit your customers, but it also drives sales, increasing website traffic, and revenue.

Do you understand the importance of content creation but aren’t sure where to start? Or perhaps you still need convincing?

Keep reading to discover five tips and tricks for creating customer-focused content.

1. Put Your Customers First

This isn’t just the first rule of content creation. It’s also the first rule of running any successful business.

When crafting compelling content for your website, you need to keep your customers and their needs at the forefront of your mind.

What type of information are they looking for? What tips, guides, or facts would be useful to them?

Instead of creating content that sells your product, provide information that improves their everyday lives. While some business owners worry that giving away free advice will hurt them, the opposite is true.

You’re building trust with your target market and establishing authority in your niche. These are invaluable assets in the long run.

2. Create a Specific Goal

A quality content creation plan needs a specific goal. Without one, your mission lacks focus and you’ll easily get off track.

Sit down and make a clear goal for your content marketing efforts. Ask yourself what you’re trying to achieve.

Popular answers include increased brand awareness, lead generation, and attracting more subscribers.

This goal should be at the center of your marketing efforts and a driving force in your content creation.

3. Identify Your Audience Persona

Putting the customers’ needs first is one thing, but you must also identify your audiences’ persona. This is similar to creating a customer avatar.

What does your target audience look like? Consider demographics including location, age, gender, and economic status.

Depending on the type of business you run, you may have more than one audience persona. The more personas your company has, the more dynamic your content must be.

4. Develop a Content Creation Grid

Unlike The Field of Dreams, you can’t simply create content and expect customers to flock to your website. You need to advertise and market yourself.

Let’s take things one step further.

You also need to deliver the right content at the right time. This is done by studying the customer journey and buying process, as well as your sales process.

Customers need different types of content at each stage of the buying process. When they first visit your website they’re likely searching for different information than they will be at the end of the buying cycle.

You also need to provide specific content to guarantee customers move from one step to the next, and ultimately, close the deal.

5. Always Include a Call-to-Action

Similar to providing relevant content at just the right time, you need to guide your audience to the next step.

Your website visitors want a seamless, user-friendly experience. They don’t want content that leaves them wondering, “What’s next?”

Every piece of content you create needs a call-to-action. This comes at the end of your page and directs the visitor on what to do next.

A simple call-to-action might be asking them to submit their email address or click onto a product page. Other call-to-actions might invite customers to contact you for more information or set up a consultation.

Your audience craves information and answers. Give the people what they want!

Convert More Sales with Killer Content

Your website needs to deliver more than just a great sales pitch. Content creation is the key to building meaningful, long-lasting client relationships.

Without loyal customers, your business can’t succeed. Providing valuable content on your website is a simple and effective way of generating more traffic and converting more sales.

Let our team of professionals create a marketing plan that fits your needs and budget. Click here to get started!

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