WordPress Design Plugin

Custom Wallpaper


Direct-to-Print WordPress Plugin

project type

Printing & Interior Design


example of custom wallpaper website

Project Details

As a part of our Color&Chroma (which as later rebranded as Custom Wallpaper) website design project, we were asked to create an intuitive custom WordPress design plugin that would allow customers the ability to perform and choose a variety of options while they created and purchased wallpaper online.

The client wanted customers to be able to choose wallpaper patterns (or images), change the pattern sizes, adjust color palettes, pick wallpaper types, installation types, textures, and more—plus the client wanted them to be able to do all of this in real-time (without the need to talk to a salesperson).  We were also asked to make the process dead-simple, with as few steps as possible for the website visitor.

This was a big project, with a short timeline, but we were definitely excited and up to the task!


specialty products logo

API Integration

This plugin integrated with both BigStock and PatternDesigns.com APIs allowing customer access to a giant creative library of imagery and design assets.

advertising icon


Customers were guided through a simple, step-by-step process, allowing them to update pattern sizes, color choices, square footage, paper type, textures, and much more.


monetizing computer icon

Real-Time Pricing

A dynamic pricing system was developed to change prices on the fly and show up-to-date changes as the the client configured their custom wallpaper products.


specialty products logo

API Integration

This plugin integrated with both BigStock and PatternDesigns.com APIs allowing customer access to a giant creative library of imagery and design assets.

advertising icon

Custom User Interface

Customers were guided through a simple, step-by-step process, allowing them to update pattern sizes, color choices, square footage, paper type, textures, and much more.



monetizing computer icon

Real-Time Pricing

A dynamic pricing system was developed to change prices on the fly and show up-to-date changes as the the client configured their custom wallpaper products.

How it helped

We built a custom direct-to-print design tool plugin for CustomWallpaper with several features:

  • Integration with Pattern Design‘s API
  • Integration with Big Stock’s API
  • A simple drag interface for change pattern scale
  • A color picker for changing the default pattern colors
  • Width and height selectors for wallpaper coverage
  • A material selector
  • Image upload capabilities
  • We tied everything into the WooCommerce shopping platform

CustomWallpaper has since changed its business model, but the technology lives on (and we love to show it off).  Give us a call at +1(231) 252-3588 or Contact Us — to see this innovative technology!

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